

Self-care tips and tricks

With spring already upon us, now is the perfect time to implement some new mindfulness practices into your daily routine and feel re-energised coming out of winter. Whether you’ve got an hour or only 10 minutes, taking some time for yourself will leave you feeling positive and refreshed.

Yoga: one of the best ways to start the day is by taking a moment to practice yoga. Even if it’s only a 10-minute stretch, you’ll be feeling the physical and mental benefits from morning to evening. Yoga is great for improving your strength, balance, and flexibility, plus it helps boost your concentration, relieve anxiety, and will leave you feeling positive about the day ahead.

Read a book: taking a moment to read a book or magazine is a wonderful way to practice self-care and calm your mind. Spending half an hour before bed engaged in a story helps to improve sleep quality, reduce stress levels and is great for your brain connectivity!

Practise gratitude: spending a few moments each day listing moments, people or things you are grateful for provides instant and lasting benefits. At the end of each day, taking a moment to write down 3 things you are grateful for will leave you feeling positive, and with practice, will strengthen your ability to celebrate the small things every day. It will also be a lovely list to look back on if you’re ever feeling down!

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